Tuesday 13 January 2015

Why I want to get married this year' - Actress Bisi Ibidapo-Obe Talks About her relationship with Hon. Dino Melaye among other issues!

In this interview with RandomGist Blog, Actress, Bisi Ibidapo-Obe popular­ly known as Omo Logba Logba opens up on her career, motherhood, and the newly opened s*x toy shop among other issues.

What was the year 2014 like for you?

We thank God for 2014. It was not really smooth but we thank God; glory be to His holy name. Just as we experienced joy we also experienced disappointments, but the joy overshad­owed every other thing.

What would you say was the highpoint for you in 2014?

That was when my daughter, my mum and I travelled to Lon­don, Canada and the United States of America. It was a great experience for me because despite the economic meltdown, God made it happen. Another highpoint was hearing someone call me mommy. My daughter was born two years ago, and I must confess, the joy of motherhood is paramount.

So what should we expect from you in 2015?

That one is between my God and I because I am a Christian. Though, I am not born again, I am a believer (laughter). How­ever, I pray that by God’s special grace, in this New Year, I will settle down, I will get married and have my own family. I will also build my own house. After all, I still stay in a rented apart­ment, but I know my God will do it for me. When and how He wants to do it, I don’t know but I know that He will surely do it in 2015. Also, my fans should watch out for my latest movie.

What inspired your opening a s*x toy shop?

First and foremost, let me correct you. I didn’t open a s*x toy shop; I just added it to what we do in the shop. We sell throw pillows, ling*rie, perfumes, and body spray for adult and chil­dren of both s*xes. The basic point is that it is not a strictly s*x toy shop. However, I see no big deal in running a s*x toy shop.

How is the business doing?

Great, we thank God.

Who are your clients?

A lot of people patronise me. I have married people, young people and adults. Two weeks after the opening of the shop, a couple came requesting for a vibrator. The reason was that the husband wanted to travel abroad to study for a while. And it wasn’t that he didn’t trust his wife, they just wanted to have their own vib*ator at home. I must say that Nigerians are not in tune with modhusband wanted to travel abroad to earn trends unlike what obtains in the Western world where they see running a s*x toy shop as no big deal. I sell a lot of things here. It is not a must that you buy a vib*ator because we have so many s*x toys aside vib*ators. I don’t want to mention names but a lot of big names in this country patronise us. The way people are taking it; one would think I am selling hard drugs and guns. ­

It has been long you featured in movies, what could be the reason?

Those who know me well know I don’t appear frequently in home videos like most of my colleagues. I don’t like hopping from one location to the other and it is not a matter of pride, but I am just being me. And the reason is that I try to give myself time to rest because as Yoruba people would say ‘emi ise gun ju emi eniyan lo’ (work is endless but life is short). So, I take my time to do my things. And again, shortly after I produced Bisi Omo Logba Logba, one of my senior colleagues in the movie industry called me up and said that if I wanted to stay relevant, I should mind the way I feature in movies. I stuck to the advice and ever since I have never had regrets.

How do you relax?

I love listening to music a lot; I can’t sleep without music. I love watching Tel­emundo (Mexican soaps) as well. I also hang out with friends and I party as well; I mean decent parties.

How did you come into Nolly­wood?

I give God all the glory. The journey started when I finished my secondary school education and I decided to join the film industry. I went to Idumota in Lagos to see Gbenga Adewusi and that was how I met Araosan (Rasak Ajao). I was amazed to see him in real life. Araosan handed me over to the Odunfa Caucus where I trained under Taiwo Has­san (Ogogo), and I bless God that today, if you want to mention five prominent actresses in the industry, I will be among them. Though, it has not been a smooth ride, all thanks go to God for the journey so far.

How did your parents react to your chosen career?

They were not in support initially but with the help of my boss, the late Adebimpe Adekola (Ireti) and some elders around our house back then, my parents finally caved in and gave me their blessings.

What do you have to say about s*x-for-role in the industry?

It is happening everywhere; it is not only confined to the movie industry. I see no issues in s*x-for-role. For all I care, it is an individual thing; it is your decision to make. If you are asked out and you ac­cept, cool. And if the reverse is the case, fine. It is not a do or die affair. But where I was trained we didn’t engage in such things.

What’s your relationship with fuji music star, K1 de Ultimate?

K1 de Ultimate is like my father, my big uncle and everything. He is someone I respect so much because of the age dif­ference between us, and I pray that God blesses me the way He has blessed him.

Who is the love of your life?

It is my baby o… (Laughter). She is the love of my life.

You are a pretty woman. You can’t tell us you don’t have anyone in your life?

Yes of course, after all it is not a taboo. I have someone but I don’t want to talk about him now. When it is time you will all know him.

You said earlier that you started acting after your secondary school education; do you have plans to go back to school?

Why not? I am going back to school, and that is one of my 2015 resolutions. I pray it comes to pass.

What’s your child’s name?

Her name is Destiny Okikiola Oluwa­jomiloju Melaye.

How is your relationship with Honourable Melaye right now?

I don’t want to discuss it. It has become a thing of the past, and that is the way life turns out sometimes.

Don’t you sometimes wish that something positive happens to the relationship?

Everything is in the hands of God, and by the way, is it your business? All I know is that there is nothing God cannot do. Let me not lie to you, as a mother, it doesn’t matter how rich you are, if the father of your child doesn’t support you, it will affect you. So, if my child sees her dad it is always a good thing.

Hope her dad visits her regularly?

You don’t have to worry about that, she is doing fine. Take a look at her, isn’t she lovely? Anywhere my daughter goes, you see the mark of honour on her; she is a child of God.

As a mother, do you think your child is getting the necessary sup­port from her dad?

Yes, if that is what you want to hear.

Are you missing Melaye?

Is he my husband? And what kind of question is that? Whether I miss him or not is none of your business!

What is your take on marriage break ups in the entertainment industry?

The mistake people make is that, because these people are famous, when anything happens to them, it becomes news. Do you think they don’t want to have stable and happy families? A lot of marriages are breaking up every day and you never get to hear about them because they are not celebrities; it is so unfortu­nate!

There was a rumour that you had a relationship with one Olufela a while ago?

I don’t know anybody that bears that name! The only Fela I know in my life is Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, and he is dead.

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