Wednesday 28 May 2014

Please Save Our Lives! Abducted Chibok School Girls Begs President Jonathan In New Video

Nigeria's president was sent a new

video of the schoolgirls kidnapped by

Boko Haram in which they beg him to

spare their lives through a prisoner

swap, sources close to the militia have

told The Telegraph.

The video was said to have been

handed to Goodluck Jonathan's office

by an intermediary who started a

dialogue with the group two weeks ago.

The intermediary, a Nigerian journalist,

obtained the video as a way of proving

to Mr Jonathan's office that he had

authentic lines of communication to

Boko Haram's leaders.

However, the source claimed that a

subsequent deal to release the girls -

planned for a week ago on Monday -

was scrapped after Western

governments placed pressure on Mr

Jonathan not to negotiate for any

prisoner swap.

The deal would allegedly have seen

around 50 of the girls released in

exchange for an equivalent number of

Boko Haram fighters currently in

Nigerian jails. The Nigerian government

has denied that any deal was on the

table, and has so far neither confirmed

nor denied the existence of the video.

Claims of the video's existence

surfaced as Nigeria's Chief of Defence

Staff claimed that the military now

knew where the girls were located.

Speaking on Monday, Staff Air Marshal

Alex Badeh, described it as "good news

for the parents" but said that the

military would not risk "going there with


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says Nigeria's top military officer

However, he declined to give specific

details, raising speculation about the

accuracy of his claims. The Nigerian

military has made several

unsubstantiated statements in the

past over the girls, including a claim last

week that it had been tracking them

ever since they were kidnapped in mid-


The Nigerian journalist who is said to

have obtained the latest video was

named by the source as Ahmed Salkida,

who is from the north-east state of

Borno, which is Boko Haram's main


His contacts with the group have been

so close that on past occasions he has

been arrested on suspicion of being a

sympathiser, and two years ago he

moved with his family to Dubai.

However, around four weeks ago, the

Nigerian government agreed for him to

come back to Nigeria to see if he could

assist in negotiating for the girls'

freedom. He and a trusted cleric then

risked their lives by heading up into the

remote bushland areas where the

group operate, meeting a senior

assistant of Boko Haram's leader,

Abubakar Shekau.

"The government said to the

intermediary to prove himself to show

whether he was capable of brokering a

deal or not, and insisted that he should

obtain proof of life of the hostages,"

the source said. "So during his talks

with the insurgents, he obtained a DVD

which had clips of girls being

interviewed by members of the group,

in which they asked President

Jonathan to do a prisoner swap to get

them freed.

"That DVD was shown to the

government, and a deal was arranged

so that the girls would have been

released a week ago on Monday, but at

last minute the government backed


The precise reasons for the

government's alleged change of mind

were not known, said the source. But

he pointed out that the weekend

before the proposed release date, Mr

Jonathan was at the summit to discuss

the Boko Haram crisis in Paris, also

attended by British and American

officials as well as the governments of

Niger, Cameroon and Mali.

"The Nigerian government got a lot of

offers of co-operation by neighbouring

countries at the summit, and I think that

emboldened them against

negotiations," the source said. "They

also seem to be afraid that if they do a

prisoner swap, they will lose the

support of the West."

As a result, the source said, the

negotiations had now "crashed", with

Mr Salkida returning to Dubai. The DVD

remains in the possession of the

Nigerian government and has not been

released publicly.

The source added that a separate

effort at mediation was now underway

via Nigeria's former president,

Olusegun Obasanjo, who stepped down

in 2007 and was involved in a round of

previous peace talks with the group in

2011-12. Mr Obasanjo is understood to

have held a meeting in recent days with

clerics at his country residence outside

Lagos to explore new channels of


"Mr Obasanjo is very worried that this

kidnapping is casting Nigeria in a bad

light, and is also uncomfortable with

Nigeria inviting other outside nations

to assist," said the source.

"The plan is to get the girls freed in

exchange for some Boko Haram

suspects who have been put in jail but

never actually brought for trial before a


Boko Haram, which wants to impose

hardline Islamic rule on northern

Nigeria, is believed to be holding a total

of around 220 girls hostage. They were


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