Friday 4 July 2014

Too Bad!! Senator Zanna Reveals Chibok Girls Are Being Raped On Camera And Shot

In an interview with Rudolph Okonkwo

of Sahara Reporters, Senator Khalifa

Ahmed Zanna of Borno Central said that

Boko Haram members "are just raping

the girls on camera and even showing

them on video, releasing it to the


The Senator said;

Somebody told me that they were

shown being raped, and in turn, it is

the girl who was raped that came

out kneeling down and begging the

man to be patient. Do you know the

reason why? They said when they

rape them they shoot them.

Therefore the girl after being

raped, she curled down to the man,

kneeling down and begging him to

please be patient. So disturbing.

And although I didn’t see the video,

the person narrated to me, he said

he had the video.

Watch the interview and read

transcript below..

Rudolf: It’s been 70 days and people

across the world have bought into this

campaign, they want to see that these

girls are freed. What is the situation

now in Borno?

Senator Zanna: I left Nigeria almost

three weeks now, but I have been

getting in touch with my people and I’m

enquiring about what is happening. I am

also talking to different people who

happen to know the movements of Boko

Haram and what is going on about the

girls and all what-have-you. But up till

today I don’t think a breakthrough is

made by the government in getting the

girls out. There is a rumour, not a

rumour per say, but a statement from a

friend in Cameroon, who lives at the

border area, telling me that Boko Haram

and the government are in

conversation, they are negotiating.

That was before I left Nigeria. But up till

today, nothing came out of it. I asked

him, “what is happening?” He said the

government is ready to release the

detainees which they requested, but

they don’t want to release or give them

money because they are still fighting.

Which is also, I buy that idea that if

they are going to get more money, they

may buy weapons. But my conscience is

telling me that it is better to get those

girls out and then go after the Boko

Haram. To take them out is most

important. Let them feel, let the

government feel if their own daughters

are in these particular girls; are they

going to behave the same way? So as

far as I’m concerned, although there are

some moves to get them out, but

because of the level of the insecurity in

that area, particularly Boko Haram’s

capacity, and the government don’t

want to improve the capacity of the

Boko Haram. It is reasonable, but it is

very important for them to get those

girls out.

Rudolf: A lot of people are worried,

after 70 days, how are they feeding the

girls, how is the health of the girls. Do

we know anything about that?

Senator Zanna: Actually the information

I’m getting, some of them are very

disturbing. Although I don’t want to

mention but they are just raping the

girls on camera and even showing them

on video, releasing it to the public.

Somebody told me that they were

shown being raped, and in turn, it is the

girl who was raped that came out

kneeling down and begging the man to

be patient. Do you know the reason

why? They said when they rape them

they shoot them. Therefore the girl

after being raped, she curled down to

the man, kneeling down and begging him

to please be patient. So disturbing. And

although I didn’t see the video, the

person narrated to me, he said he had

the video, and he was narrating to me,

and look at the situation. And then the

other scenario is that the Boko Haram

are now out of funds, they are not

getting enough food. So they are going

from one village to another, taking the

little the villagers had, and going away.

In fact most of the villages are almost

moved out of their villages and moved

to cities or gone into the neighbouring

countries. So more or less they don’t

have any chance of getting food. So I

don’t know what they’re going to do, if

food is not available are they going to

sacrifice to give it to the girls. And

then, the other information I have,

because you know the kidnap is a

continuous process which they have

been doing before the 200 and after

the 200. So in their position, there are

up to 500 or over 500 women who are

being taken from the streets, on the

main roads where they are traveling, or

they go to the villages and collect them;

all kinds of abductions.

Rudolf: People are also asking about

the international community that

offered to help and send in support

staff, America sent in troops and

soldiers. Why is it that we’ve not seen

any kind of action, even if the Nigerian

side are not effective. Why are the

international group not being effective

in terms of taking action.

Senator Zanna: You know Nigeria being

an independent country, the

international community are very

careful in their conducts. But they will

really have or they’re in a burden of

guilt if they do not do anything about

this situation because the situation is

more than disturbing. Maybe the

government did not give them

permission to go, particularly America,

they’re in Chad. I don’t know after my

departure they must have moved into

Nigeria, or they’re doing something, I

don’t know. But they did not go direct to

Nigeria. They are in Chad. So I don’t

know what is going on with the

government. Since I am not around, I

don’t have much information on the

relation between the foreign countries

and Nigeria’s government.

Rudolf: Can you tell our viewers what

brought you to America? You were

saying before you came on air that you

went to the United Nations.

Senator Zanna: Yes I went to the

United Nations simply because, there

are so many people in my constituency

from Banki area, from Kala-Balge area,

Gamboru Ngala, I’m sure you remember

Gamboru Ngala where about 500

people were killed by Boko Haram. And

these people, even those who are

close to the border, they go into

Cameroon, spend the night, come back

the following day, to spend their day. So

there are a lot of refugees across the

border, and they are not allowed deep

into Cameroon. they are just by the

side of the river. Some of them are in

Fotokol, some of them are in Dabanga,

some of them are in Banki, I mean

Kolofata, and some of them are in

Amchide. Nobody is taking care of them.

They are just there, no food, no any

facility for human existence. So

therefore I became disturbed, I said let

me come and at least get audience with

the United Nations so that they can at

least form a camp around that area.

People are really really afraid to live in


Rudolf: Are the Nigerian government

aware of this, that people are moving

into Cameroon?

They are aware. I gave an interview to

BBC at that time when the Kala-Balge

people and Gambarungala people were

moving to Cameroon. They told me they

want to move to Cameroon and they’re

now packing. I told them yes go on move

because you are not being protected.

Since you inform the government to

come and protect you and they don’t

come. You informed them of an

impending attack, nobody comes to

rescue you. So what is left for you is to

move into Cameroon, where maybe you

may be safe. So that interview I

granted over 3 weeks now. So

therefore I don’t think the government

is not aware, because the relief agency

organization, NEMA, are aware. They

wanted to send goods to that place, but

even the transporters are not ready to

transport food to that area. So

therefore what is left for us is to tell

United Nations to come through

Cameroon to give food to those people.

Rudolf: This question is about the

presidential committee that was set up

to look into the kidnappings. They’ve

turned in their report and yet there are

some people out there who believe

that this kidnapping of these girls didn’t

happen. What do you say to such


Senator Zanna: I think they are not fair,

at the same time they are not humans.

If they say this did not happen, then

they are not human beings. If you are

sycophantic to government, you

shouldn’t go to that extent, where the

lives of people are involved.

Particularly vulnerable people like

schoolgirls. You know? Even after the

abduction there were a lot of killings

that had taken place. But the attention

of the world is on those girls, why

because they are women, and they are

very young, at their tender age, and if

somebody is not sympathetic to that,

and coming to deny that this has not

taken place, I think he is not being fair

to human community.

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