Monday 30 June 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Super Eagles coach Keshi & Captain Yobo Quit Super Eagles

Super Eagles coach, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi, has resigned his appointment after he led the team to the second round of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The team's captain, Joseph Yobo is out too after his 100 appearance for Nigeria's national team. I think they've done their best. Good luck, guys

Finally!!! The Fake Businessman Who Cordinated The Chibok Girls Abduction Has Been Arrested

In a statement released moments ago, the Nigerian military said it has arrested Babuji Ya'ari, (pictured above), who is described as the key actor in the Chibok girls abduction. Babuji, according to the military, was a member of the Youth Vigilante Group popularly known as civilian JTF, which he used as a cover to spy on the activities of the Nigerian security forces, acting as a spy & gathering information for terrorist group. The military also said Ya'ari has coordinated several deadly attacks in Maiduguri since 2011. Find the press statement signed by Maj. Gen. Chris Olukolade, after the cut...

A terrorists’ intelligence cell headed by a businessman who participated actively in the abduction of School Girls in Chibok has been busted by troops. The man, Babuji Ya’ari who is also a member of the Youth Vigilante Group popularly known as Civilian JTF which he uses as cover while remaining an active terrorist, also spearheaded the murder of the Emir of Gwoza.  His main role in the group is to spy and gather information for the terrorists group.
Babuji has been coordinating several deadly attacks in Maiduguri since 2011, including the daring attacks on Customs and military locations as well as the planting of IEDs in several locations in the town.
The arrest of the businessman who is known to deal in tricycles has also yielded some vital information and facilitated the arrest of other members of the terrorists’ intelligence cell who are women.  One of them, Hafsat Bako had earlier escaped to Gombe State to avoid suspicion but was tracked and arrested.  Prior to her arrest, Hafsat coordinated the payment of other operatives on the payroll of the group.   In her confession, she disclosed that a minimum of N10,000 is paid to each operative depending on the enormity of his task.
Another female suspect named Haj Kaka who doubles as an armourer and a spy for the terrorists group has also been arrested.  Until their arrest, all the suspects actively operated a terrorists’ intelligence cell in collaboration with others still at large.
In another development, troops deployed in Goniri, Yobe State, over the weekend, had an encounter with terrorists, resulting in casualties on both sides after the attack was successfully repelled.

TOO BAD! Woman Loses Her Life On Her Way Back From Night Vigil (SEE Photo)

Click for Full Image Size
Three Nigerian women and a 10-year-old girl were killed in a car crash in Co Westmeath, Dublin, It was a tragedy as the women were in their late 30s and early 40s, according to what a Garda spokesperson has confirmed.
One of them, Princess-QueenentAmenaghawon Olige-esezobor a Dublin based socialite from Benin Edo State Nigerian was reportedly coming from a vigil when she lost her life at the sad incident. Her friends and associates across Ireland and on Facebook are distraught, pouring out their aggrieved emotions on her facebook walls and theirs.

The one that touched people was the little confirmation and tribute a friend of hers placed on her facebook wall saying “They all died instantly in a horrific car accident in Ireland. My beautiful Princess Princess-Queenent Amenaghawon Olige-esezobor although I spoke with your sister today and she confirmed your death, I am still in shock...heartbreaking and very sad.... Ewo... Death, you are wicked oh.... Death is really no respecter of anyone. It comes like a thief, take the good ones and live the wicked ones to continue with their evil ways. Why!!!! May your souls rest in peace” she wrote on Princess wall. 

(Please Read) Boko Haram Attacks: List Of Places To Avoid In Abuja

Due to increased Boko Haram activities in Abuja, a BBM circular alerting people to avoid hot spots in Abuja has been going viral.
According to the circular, places like Nyanya-Mararaba road, Durumi, Wuse Market, Garki and Kubwa should be avoided at all cost.
This is for People in Abuja please be careful and stay alert.

Breaking News!! Rick Ross Arrested in North Carolina

Rapper Rick Ross was arrested last night (June 27) in Greenboro, N.C., following his performance at the 2014 SuperJam at the Greensboro Coliseum. The arrest stemmed from a year-old warrant for another North Carolina arrest related to marijuana possession; Ross reportedly failed to appear in court for that violation in 2013. 

TMZ reports that Ross cooperated with local police, posted bail and has now been released.

Rick Ross Arrested on Misdemeanor Marijuana Possession Charge

Ross is no stranger to the courts system, having previously been arrested on multiple infractions in multiple states, including a Miami arrest for guns and marijuana in 2008 and a 2011 marijuana possession bust in Shreveport, L.A.; he was sued in civil court for assault and battery in Houston in 2008 and for copyright infringement in 2010 and 2011 in California and Memphis, respectively.

LADIES!! See Top 10 Qualities Men Are Secretly Looking For In A Girlfriend

Here are ten attractive traits

that every man keeps in mind when

deciding if the woman (ie. you) sitting

across the dinner table from him at

that first date is girlfriend material.

1. Confidence

Take it from the guys, nothing is sexier

than a woman who’s comfortable in her

own skin. If you’re guilty of meekly

asking lines like: “Does this skirt make

my thighs look fat?” … stop asking. If

you’re constantly needing his

reassurance that you’re beautiful, he

may start asking questions himself.

2. Intelligence

Acting like a bimbo loses it’s novelty to

men after high school. What men want in

a girlfriend is a woman who can stand as

his equal. So be the smart, savvy woman

you are! To him, it’s a total turn-on.

3. Unmaterialistic

Yes, he wants to be your knight in

shining armor. And yes, he wants to

treat you like the princess you are …

but that doesn’t give you license to act

like one. Allow him the

luxury of treating you with

romantic dinners and surprise baubles

without having to demand them of him.

He’ll be relieved that he doesn’t have to

try so hard and surprisingly, this will

inspire him to rise to the occasion when

he doesn’t have to dedicate his whole

paycheck to lavish tokens of his love for


4. Spontaneity

One of the first things to go in a

relationship is the spontaneity. You get

stuck in your Friday nightdinner dates

and you lose that spark you had when

you first started dating each other.

Don’t lose it! Men love a woman who can

do things spur-of-the-moment (like

grabbing him by the shirt collar and

pulling him into the bedroom before he

goes to work for some morning fun?).

5. Laid-Back

What’s one of the best things you can

do for your relationship with him? Relax.

Just relax. When you come home from a

long, hard day at work and see those

dishes piling up in the sink, we know you

have the urge to lash out at him.

Instead, try to let it go for the night. No

man likes a nag andevery man likes a

woman who can let her hair down and

doesn’t sweat the small stuff. We’re not

saying to just kick back and bro out with

him, but a relationship is solid when

you’re able to relax with each other.

6. Playfulness

Guys like a girl who laugh at their jokes,

but isn’t mindless and isn’t always

serious about everything. Just as we

mentioned that men like a woman who

can forgo nagging him about the dishes,

they like a woman who can joke about

the dishes too. Biting remarks and

snappy comebacks are just the witty

repartee to keep the spark between

you in your relationship. And hey, isn’t

laughter the best aphrodisiac?

7. Sensuality

We’ve already mentioned before that

it’s not all about your looks (albeit,

that’s a good motivator for some men) —

it’s more about an air of sexiness and

confidence that will draw his eyes to

you when you enter the room. Embrace

your femininity. Ditch the sweatpants

for date night and take the extra ten

minutes to pull the LBD from the back of

your closet. You shouldn’t feel

pressured to strut around the bedroom

in lingerie and high heels like a Victoria’s

Secret angel every night, but you

should feel comfortable in your own

sexuality… and expressing that

sensually to your man.

8. Honesty

If he can’t trust you — how can he ever

see you as his girlfriend … and eventual

spouse? Keep things open and honest

in your relationship. A little white lie

over flirty texts with an old guy friend

from college can spiral out of control

very quickly into a full-blown fight …

and breakup.

9. Independence

Dating a driven, passionate woman? So

hot. Babysitting a stage five clinger?

Not so much. No man wants a girlfriend

they have to reassuringly text, call or

visit every five minutes. Give him his

poker night with the boys. Let him go

golfing on a weekend. Learn to give your

guy his space — or he may break up with

you to get it.

10. Supportive

As clichéd as it is, some men want to be

caretakers… but even the strongest of

men want a soft place to fall. He wants

to know that you’ll support him and

stand by him in his life choices, whether

it’s changing careers or moving to a new

city. Show your support in small

gestures with a quick “I love you” text

when he heads off for his morning

commute and listen to him after a hard

day’s work. Be supportive — but not

suffocating. The last thing you want is

to remind him too much of his mother.

Lovely Photo!! Checkout Tiwa Savage’s Outfit To BET Awards Last Night

Wow looking so Hot... You like??

WOW!! Toke Makinwa- Ayida Gives A Shout Out To Husband On Instagram

...Aww if only all men can be like this.

News!! Facebook reveals news feed experiment to control emotions

It already knows whether you are single

or dating, the first school you went to

and whether you like or loathe Justin

Bieber. But now Facebook, the world's

biggest social networking site, is facing

a storm of protest after it revealed it

had discovered how to make users feel

happier or sadder with a few computer

key strokes.

It has published details of a vast

experiment in which it manipulated

information posted on 689,000 users'

home pages and found it could make

people feel more positive or negative

through a process of "emotional


In a study with academics from Cornell

and the University of California

, Facebook filtered users' news feeds –

the flow of comments, videos, pictures

and web links posted by other people in

their social network. One test reduced

users' exposure to their friends'

"positive emotional content", resulting

in fewer positive posts of their own.

Another test reduced exposure to

"negative emotional content" and the

opposite happened.

The study concluded: "Emotions

expressed by friends, via online social

networks, influence our own moods,

constituting, to our knowledge, the first

experimental evidence for massive-

scale emotional contagion via social


Lawyers, internet activists and

politicians said this weekend that the

mass experiment in emotional

manipulation was "scandalous", "spooky"

and "disturbing".

On Sunday evening, a senior British MP

called for a parliamentary investigation

into how Facebook and other social

networks manipulated emotional and

psychological responses of users by

editing information supplied to them.

Jim Sheridan, a member of the Commons

media select committee, said the

experiment was intrusive. "This is

extraordinarily powerful stuff and if

there is not already legislation on this,

then there should be to protect people,"

he said. "They are manipulating material

from people's personal lives and I am

worried about the ability of Facebook

and others to manipulate people's

thoughts in politics or other areas. If

people are being thought-controlled in

this kind of way there needs to be

protection and they at least need to

know about it."

A Facebook spokeswoman said the

research, published this month in the

journal of the Proceedings of the

National Academy of Sciences in the US,

was carried out "to improve our

services and to make the content

people see on Facebook as relevant and

engaging as possible".

She said: "A big part of this is

understanding how people respond to

different types of content, whether it's

positive or negative in tone, news from

friends, or information from pages they


But other commentators voiced fears

that the process could be used for

political purposes in the runup to

elections or to encourage people to

stay on the site by feeding them happy

thoughts and so boosting advertising


In a series of Twitter posts, Clay

Johnson, the co-founder of Blue State

Digital, the firm that built and managed

Barack Obama's online campaign for the

presidency in 2008, said: " The Facebook

'transmission of anger' experiment is



He asked: "Could the CIA incite

revolution in Sudan by pressuring

Facebook to promote discontent?

Should that be legal? Could Mark

Zuckerberg swing an election by

promoting Upworthy [a website

aggregating viral content] posts two

weeks beforehand? Should that be


It was claimed that Facebook may have

breached ethical and legal guidelines by

not informing its users they were being

manipulated in the experiment, which

was carried out in 2012.

The study said altering the news feeds

was "consistent with Facebook's data

use policy, to which all users agree prior

to creating an account on Facebook,

constituting informed consent for this


But Susan Fiske, the Princeton

academic who edited the study, said she

was concerned. "People are supposed

to be told they are going to be

participants in research and then agree

to it and have the option not to agree to

it without penalty."

James Grimmelmann, professor of law

at Maryland University, said Facebook

had failed to gain "informed consent" as

defined by the US federal policy for the

protection of human subjects, which

demands explanation of the purposes of

the research and the expected duration

of the subject's participation, a

description of any reasonably

foreseeable risks and a statement that

participation is voluntary. "This study is

a scandal because it brought Facebook's

troubling practices into a realm –

academia – where we still have

standards of treating people with

dignity and serving the common good,"

he said on his blog.

It is not new for internet firms to use

algorithms to select content to show to

users and Jacob Silverman, author of

Terms of Service: Social Media,

Surveillance, and the Price of Constant

Connection, told Wire magazine on

Sunday the internet was already "a vast

collection of market research studies;

we're the subjects".

"What's disturbing about how Facebook

went about this, though, is that they

essentially manipulated the sentiments

of hundreds of thousands of users

without asking permission," he said.

"Facebook cares most about two things:

engagement and advertising. If

Facebook, say, decides that filtering out

negative posts helps keep people happy

and clicking, there's little reason to

think that they won't do just that. As

long as the platform remains such an

important gatekeeper – and their

algorithms utterly opaque – we should

be wary about the amount of power and

trust we delegate to it."

Robert Blackie, director of digital at

Ogilvy One marketing agency, said the

way internet companies filtered

information they showed users was

fundamental to their business models,

which made them reluctant to be open

about it.

"To guarantee continued public

acceptance they will have to discuss

this more openly in the future," he said.

"There will have to be either

independent reviewers of what they do

or government regulation. If they don't

get the value exchange right then

people will be reluctant to use their

services, which is potentially a big

business problem."

SAD NEWS: Boko Haram Attacks And Killed 80 Christians In Chibok As Nigerian Soldiers Ran Into The Bush

Boko Haram Jihadi sect attacked 3

churches in Chibok Area of Borno state

killing several worshippers.

“The attackers went to churches with

bombs and guns,” Timothy James, a

Chibok resident said by phone.

“From what I gathered, dozens of

worshippers, including men, women and

children were killed,” he said, explaining

that his information had come from

people who fled the affected area and

through phone calls.

Enoch Mark, an outspoken Chibok

leader since the April 14 kidnappings,

gave a similar account, telling AFP in

Lagos, “presently, as we are talking

now, we are under attack”.

“I was told the attackers burnt at least

three churches to the ground.”

Mark further said that the military had

not responded to distress calls after

the attack began.

“They just went and got a hiding place in

the bush,” he told AFP.

While it was not immediately possible to

verify the charge, if true, it would likely

raise further questions about the

military effort in the northeast, the

epicentre of Boko Haram’s five-year

deadly uprising.

A military source said this evening that

over 80 people were killed in the attack.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Too Bad!! `V*rgin’ undergraduate, 22, rAp3d to death

It was a sad end for 22 year-old Deborah (surname withheld), a 300-level student of Benson Idahosa University, Benin-City, after the girl, said to be a virgin, was raped to death by yet to be identified persons in Benin-City, Edo State capital. The rapists cut her throat after the dastardly act.
The family of the deceased has appealed to the Police Command in Edo State to fish out the culprits and bring them to book.
Deborah was said to have been raped between 12 midnight and 1 a.m after she left hospital and decided to see one of her friends at Upper Adesuwa. It was then the rapists allegedly caught up with her.
May her soul rest in peace

Mr. Aliko Dangote endorses D’banj’s Koko Garri

Congrats to the Koko Master Himself…

Lovely!!! Pretty Actress, Chacha Eke Flaunts Her Baby Bump…

Aww, pretty Africa woman

Please Ladies, Actress Stephanie Okereke Linus has a Urgent Question for You all...

If you have to choose from the profile of these two guys below, who will you pick…

  • Guy A 

Works a 9-5hrs. Isn’t always available because of his tight schedule. Gives good loving. Very handsome. Not enough money; buys a lot of things on credit. Monogamous and very kind. Lives in a two bedroom. Promising a good fun relationship. 

  • Guy B

Owns a business. Has enough time on his hands. Not romantic. Average looks. Lots of money. Travels all around the world. Keeps more than one woman. Lives in a mansion in Lekki. Promising a walk to the altar. 

So who will it be, ladies? Pick your man

WOW!! Davido Hangs Out With Kenya's Hottest Girl At A Soccer Event (See PHOTOS)

Huddah Monroe, was super excited after chilling with Davido in Ghana this weekend.
She hung out with the ‘Aye’ singer and his HKN gang at the first edition of the Ghana celebrity soccer event at the Lizzy’s Sports Complex.
Afterwards, Huddah Monroe posted photos with the caption: "Can’t get over the craziest weekend ever with the baddest crew! I took this pic with Davido for my fans and for my pals who love him.

Swag Things!!! Who wore it Best? Chris brown Vs Davido..

Chris brown who wore his last week to

lunch with Karrueche where he met

wizkid While Davido who wore his

yesterday in LA where he is to attend

the BET awards.

It's the houndstooth patterned shirt,

with 'High!' emblazoned across the

chest in a comic book style.

REVEALED! So this Popular Nollywood Actress Dating Inspector General Of Police’s Son, Jamil? [Photos]

A secret romance story is currently

trailing Nollywood actress/producer,

Rukky Sanda and the 'bling bling' son of

Nigeria’s Inspector General Of Police,

Jamil MD Abubakar.

Close Sources claimed that the two

started dating last year with only close

friends in the know.

Though Jamil had denied the romance

story six months back, sources close to

him and Rukky insisted that the two are

dating...What do You think?

Davido proves it wasn't just Pictures, hits the studio with Us Rapper, Meek Mill! [SEE Photos]

After some fans blasted him for

competing with Wizkid by taking pics

with Jennifer Hudson and Meek mill,

Davido decided to prove it wasn't just


Ex-Miss World Queen, Agbani Darego puts her s*xy legs on display! [SEE Photos]

Ever Since she won Miss World in 2001,

the 31 year old has maintained her

beauty, body and even looking hotter

than ever.

TOO BAD!! How Female Boko Haram Suicide Bomber Carried Out Apapa Car Bombing [See Graphic Photos]

If you reside in Lagos and its environs

please do not take this message lightly.

The bomb explosion that rocked Apapa,

Lagos earlier in the week was carried

out by a suspected Boko Haram female

suicide bomber.

Area residents and journalists who

were at the scene of the blast say they

won’t let the government deceive them

because it was clear that what

happened was a bomb blast and not a

gas explosion or a fuel tanker bursting

into flames.

A lady identified as Adaobi, who worked

at the company where the blast

occurred said she is still can’t come to

terms with the fact that insurgency is

now at her doorsteps.

“I cannot believe what I have seen

today. I have been thinking that all

these bombings and killings occurring in

the northern part of the country, which I

read about in the papers, will never get

to the south.

“I have never thought that Boko Haram,

whose aim, I think, is to create an Islamic

Caliphate in the entire northern Nigeria,

would ever come to the south. But what

I have seen today is shocking.

“When I looked at my office building, I

discovered that the glasses on the

entire building were destroyed by the

blast and I wondered where we are

heading to”, she said.

Even though Vanguard didn’t directly

say it wasn’t a gas explosion or a fuel

tanker bursting into flames, they made

it clear that it was a car bomb blast.

Another journalist who goes by the

name Fejiro Oliver says it was a clear

case of a suicide bomber and a female

carried out the task. His tweets and

Facebook report below;

The muslim lady reportedly sent by Boko

Haram was on the phone few minutes

before blowing herself up...

What do You Think??

Disgusting! Photo of the Day! What Level of Bleaching is this? [See Photos]

When Bleaching Goes Wrong...Sh*t


Davido Wins Best African Act BET Awards 2014! [SEE PHOTOS]

Davido has just won the BET 2014 award

for Best African Act..He was nominated


Sarkodie,Mafikizolo,Diamond,Toofan and

Tiwa Savage...The real award show is

taking place in a few hours at the Nokia

Theatre in Los Angeles..Think it's high

time they incorporate the African Act

Award into the main show..

He deserves it..Congrats to him

See How a 19-yr-Old Girl who Stabbed her Mother to Death, 151 Times, Escapes Jail

A Colorado teenager, Isabella Yun-Mi

Guzman, who actually stabbed her

mother to death, 151 times, will not be

going to jail after the judge declared

her to be insane.

Isabella Yun-Mi Guzman, 19, killed her

mother in their Aurora home in August

2013. Last December she pleaded not

guilty by reason of insanity and was

sent to a state mental hospital for an

evaluation. And yesterday, during her

court hearing, a judge reviewed the

results of that mental evaluation and

ruled that Guzman is not guilty by

reason of insanity.

According to court records, on the

fateful day 47-year-old Yun Mi Hoy lost

her life, her daughter, Guzman stabbed


35 times in the face,

51 times in the neck

then 65 times on the other parts of

her body before finishing her off by

beating her with a baseball bat.

Isabella had grown 'more threatening

and disrespectful' towards her mother

moments leading up to her death. The

day before her mother was killed,

Isabella spat on her mother and sent

her an email threatening: 'You will pay.'

Even on the day of the attack, Aurora

police officers came to their house on a

report of a family dispute. Officers said

they found no hostility or rage at the

house when they arrived.

Mrs Hoy had grown so scared of her

daughter, that she had also called on

her ex-husband, Isabella's father Robert

Guzman, to speak to the teenager. And

just three hours before Mrs Hoy was

murdered, Robert Guzman paid a visit to

the house his daughter lived in with his

ex-wife and her new husband, Ryan Hoy.

As they sat in the backyard, he

explained the importance of respecting

your elders to his daughter and truly

believed he had gotten through to her

only to receive a call later on that

Guzman had killed her mother..

Mrs Hoy's husband, Ryan Hoy,

recounted what happened that night.

According to him, his wife had just

returned from work around 9:30pm when

she went upstairs to take a shower. Mr.

Hoy said he was eating when he heard a

thumping sound upstairs and his wife

calling his name.

He ran to the upstairs bathroom, but

Isabella quickly shut and locked the door

and he noticed blood streaming under

the door. Soon after, Isabella emerged

from the bathroom and walked out

holding the knife, staring straight

forward as she passed her stepfather

and went downstairs.

Mr Hoy tried to revive his wife but knew

she was already dead by the look in her

eyes. And when police arrived, they

officially pronounced Mrs Hoy dead.

After the killing, police say Guzman fled

the home. She went to a woman's

restroom at a nearby H Mart, washed

her hair in the sink and changed her

clothes. They say she told employees

that she had been raped in Denver and

asked them not to call police, because

they would send her back home and she

was in fear of her father.

And finally, when police tracked Guzman

down the next day, she told them they

had the wrong person. She said she was

Samantha Gonzales from Cincinnati,

Ohio. Police held up her ID card, but the

teen said, 'It looks like me, but it's not.'

Eventually police pulled out guns,

ordered the teen to the ground, and

took her into custody.

She has now been sent to the Colorado

Did Funke Akindele Engaged? (See Photo)

When a woman wears a ring on her

engagement finger, we all know she is

set to wed any soon and of course

someone put it there. From the view in

sight, It seems Nollywood actress,

Funke Akindele is engaged and ready to

walk down the aisle again!

But who is the lucky guy is unknown. A

ring is spotted on her finger recently

when she was unveiled as one of the

brand ambassadors for Unilever Nigeria

plc, manufacturers of OMO detergent.

What Do You Think??

Lets Help Rate Waje Stunning New slim Look!!! [SEE Photos]

Waje sure knows how to keep fit, Singer

and single mum of Waje had always

made her weight loss journey an

open one and all her hardwork is

obviously paying of, Well Back to the

Matter On a scale of 0-10, 'How 'much'

would you rate her??

Too Bad!! How a 14-year-old girl that has been married and divorced twice Was Forced Into Marriage With N30k Bride Price

A 14 year old girl who has been married

and divorced twice to men that are old

enough to give birth to her, Maimuna

Abdullahi, has just told her sad story.

Although she has escaped and is now

learning how to design cloths, she

wants her friends who have been

trapped in forced marriages in Northern

Nigeria to be freed too.

Read her sad/Shocking story told to below:

Maimuna Abdullahi was sold into

marriage by her parents for £120 and

abused by her new husband, who locked

her away and forced hard labour on her.

When she ran home she was beaten,

first by her father, then her husband,

and was summarily divorced by her

husband for daring to flee – and she is

still just 14 years old.

She is one of thousands in Nigeria with

similar stories – and, shockingly, her

husband blames his beaten former bride

for her ordeal, saying she was

disobedient and over-educated.

Attacker: Saidu, pictured, said he feared

marrying someone more educated would

make him 'the wife'. After Maimuna fled

him, he divorced her


Maimuna’s former husband, Mahammadu

Saidu, blames her few years of school

for her disobedience. A handsome man

of 28 who is obviously proud of his

ankle-high boots, he does not deny

beating his wife.

‘She had too much ABCD,’ he says. ‘Too

much ABCD.’

After fleeing her husband Mahammadu

Saidu, who locked her away for days at a

time, she was whipped by her family for

daring to come home, then attacked by

her furious husband as well.

Her battered face swelled so much that

doctors feared her husband had

dislocated her jaw. Her back and arms

bristled with angry welts from the

whipping her father gave her.

She was gaunt from hunger, dressed in

filthy rags. And barely a year after her

wedding, she was divorced.

No sanctuary: Maimuna's parents, Rabi

Abdullahi, left and Haruna Abdullahi,

right, have seven other children and say

it is not unusual to marry as young as 12

Maimuna's parents

It would be a tragic story for a woman of

any age. But for Maimuna Abdullahi, it all

happened by the time she was 14. ‘I’m

too scared to go back home,’ she

whispers, a frown crinkling her brow as

she fiddles nervously with her hands. ‘I

know they will force me to go back to my


Nigeria, a young country of about 170

million, has one of the highest rates of

child marriage in the world.

The law of the land states that the age

of consent, and thus of marriage, is 18.

However, the custom of child marriage

is still ingrained enough that even a

middle-aged federal senator has

married five child brides and divorced at

least one.

Across the country, one in five girls are

married before the age of 15, according

to the United Nations.

In the desperately poor Muslim north,

where child marriage is often

considered acceptable by shariah or

Islamic law, that number goes up to one

in two.

This is also where Boko Haram is trying

to impose its extreme version of Islam,

changing the face of the region and

especially of its girls.

Children as young as five now hide their

heads and shoulders in hijabs, a rare

sight just a few years ago. Some girls

become wives as early as nine.

Maimuna was saved from this fate by

Saadatu Aliyu, who has turned an old

family home into a school for divorced


At the Tattalli Free School, which gets

by on private donations, a couple of

dozen girls gather in the courtyard for a

sewing lesson. Toddlers mill around, the

children of divorced girls who came in


‘Nobody knows how many thousands of

them there are,’ says Aliyu of the girls.

‘That’s why we have so many

prostitutes, and very young ones, in the


Maimuna grew up on the outskirts of

Kaduna, in a half-finished brick building

on the edge of a middle-class suburb.

Her father, a farmer called Haruna

Abdullahi, picks up a stone and throws it

at a stray dog as scrawny as he is. At

45, he’s been married for 30 years and

has fathered eight children.

‘It’s our culture to give our girls in

marriage,’ he says in a reasoning tone.

‘From the age of 12, a girl can go to her

husband’s house.’

His wife, Rabi Abdullahi, nods, and asks

her husband’s permission before talking.

She too was a child when she married,

although she does not know exactly how


‘It is our way of life,’ she says. ‘In my day,

a bride would never dare to run away.’

Her life is hard, she says, but her

marriage good. She insists that her

husband is not a cruel man, pointing to a

well he built so she did not need to walk

more than a mile to collect water.

So in late 2012, Maimuna’s father

arranged to marry his eldest daughter

to his best friend’s eldest son.

The son, Saidu, paid a dowry of 35,000

naira (£120) for Maimuna – more cash

than Abdullahi has had in his life. She

was 13, and he twice her age.

Saidu farms his own plot of land and

owns a small motorbike, making him

relatively well off and eligible.

He says he has known Maimuna all his

life, and waited years for her to reach

what he considers marriageable age.

‘When she was a kid, I would bring her

candy and call her “wifey”,’ he says. ‘We

were always meant to be together.’

Saidu left his village school at fifth

grade, the highest level offered, and

says he regrets it.

The high school was in another village,

too far to walk. Now he cannot write,

and must find someone else to read him

even the most personal of letters.

He says he promised Maimuna she could

carry on going to school, even if it meant

he had to find work in town. But he also


‘If she is educated, she will be looking

down on me because I didn’t go to

school, so she will be the husband and I

will be the wife,’ he explains.

Maimuna said she did not love him and

begged her father to let her stay in

school. She had always been a good

daughter, obedient, hard-working and

popular among her friends, so her

stubborn refusal to accept her marriage

surprised her parents.

But her wishes were not up for

discussion. Her father was clear on

what counts: ‘It’s what is good for the

family and the community.’

Many of Maimuna’s friends from school

were already married and not one was

happy, but they had no idea how to


Nobody prepared Maimuna for the

marriage bed. There was no advice, no

warning of what to expect, even from

her married friends.

She settled into a new life where she

felt like a slave. When she wasn’t

working in the fields, she was cleaning,

carrying water and firewood, cooking

and at the beck and call of her husband’s

demanding parents.

Every day she was exhausted, and

when she finally got to bed, her husband

wanted to ‘bother’ her, she says.

He never kept his promise to let her go

to school.

When she objected to her treatment,

her husband locked her into their hut,

for days. He would not even allow her to

visit her parents.

Maimuna bided her time until the rainy

season was over and her husband went

to town to find work.

Nine months ago, she took off, escaping

to her father and begging him to let her

return home.

Instead, he whipped her until her back

was raw. Then he summoned her

husband and forced her to go back to


Saidu, humiliated and furious, slapped

her repeatedly in the face, jerking her

head from side to side with the force of

his blows.

She fled once again, first to a

sympathetic aunt in a nearby village and

then to a cousin in Kaduna.

She now shares one cramped room with

her cousin’s family, just a short walk

away from Tattalli school, down a dusty

alley and along a road lined by open

drains stinking of stagnant water.

When Maimuna showed up at the school,

she had been badly beaten and refused

to speak, says teacher Victoria Dung.

They took her to the hospital, where

doctors found she was badly

malnourished. The whip marks on her

back may last a lifetime.

Her husband waited the customary

three months to make sure there was

no baby. Then he divorced her, as a

husband can do under shariah or Islamic

law by declaring the divorce aloud three


He informed her parents of the divorce

in a letter dated Feb. 14, which he could

not write himself.

Maimuna considers herself among the

lucky ones. She balances a broken chair

on a tree stump at the school to sit in

front of a sewing machine, learning to

make garments she can sell in the


She thinks she’d like nursing, and wants

to master English and Arabic.

‘I don’t know what I want to be when I

grow up but, even if I get married, I want

to have some education to back me up,’

she says in her native Hausa, with a

teacher translating.

‘I pray that what I have done will help

the younger ones, that my parents

learn from the experience of my running

away from home.’

It is by no means certain.

After her departure, Maimuna’s father

called a community meeting to discuss

the problem with elders.

He says he knows of many girls who ran

away from home because of marriages,

but the elders have not yet come up

with a solution.

Some girls are rebelling in other ways. A

14-year-old forced to marry a 39-year-

old in April poisoned the groom’s food a

week after their wedding, killing him and

three of his friends.

How Nollywood Stars shun Foluke Daramola’s movie premiere (See Photo)

Nollywood Colleagues of actress,

Foluke Daramola, were absent at the

premiere of her new movie, Cobweb,

NETng reports.

The event which held on Saturday, June

28, 2014 at the Silverbird Cinemas, Ikeja

had in attendance friends and fans of

the actress but only a few of her

colleagues, including Ayo Adesanya,

Toyin Aimakhu-Johnson and her

husband, Adeniyi Johnson.

The movie, Cobweb is directed by Toka

Mcbaror and stars Uti Nwachukwu,

Funsho Adeolu, Dele Odule, Saheed

Balogun, and Tamara Eteimo, all of whom

were conspicuously absent.

It tells the story of a young boy, Sam,

gifted with a good voice but whose

father wants to become a scientist. The

twist and turn of events led to the

separation of the family and Sam grows

to become a popular singer-cum actor.

Do you know Nicki Minaj's real name? Find out, along with Celebs real names (Must Seen)


GERMANOTTA (a.k.a. Lady Gaga)





Lil Wayne)


(a.k.a. Lorde)


Katy Perry)


Notorious B.I.G.)

MARSHALL MATHERS (a.k.a. Eminem)

ALECIA MOORE (a.k.a. Pink)










Trey Songz)


Rick Ross)


Snoop Dogg)





RAKIM MAYERS (a.k.a. A$AP Rocky)






SEAN JOHN COMBS (a.k.a. Diddy)



ERIC BISHOP (a.k.a. Jamie Foxx)








(a.k.a. M.I.A.)

KEIDRAN JONES (a.k.a. Iyaz)


Busta Rhymes)




Stevie Wonder)


Lana Del Rey)

TIM BERGLING (a.k.a. Avicii)



CORNELL HAYNES, JR. (a.k.a. Nelly)

SHAD GREGORY MOSS (a.k.a. Bow Wow)


Lupe Fiasco)

TRAMAR DILLARD (a.k.a. Flo Rida)




ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY (a.k.a. Rihanna)






HAKEEM SERIKI (a.k.a. Chamillionaire)



JR. & JAMIE LUIS GOMEZ (a.k.a., Fergie, & Taboo)

JOHN STEPHANS (a.k.a. John Legend)


(a.k.a. Wale)








ADEOLA SAMUEL (a.k.a. Seal)





Fat Joe)

ROBERT WILLIAMS (a.k.a. Meek Mill)


SIA FURLER (a.k.a. Sia)

KARIM KHARBOUCH (a.k.a. French


KASSEEM DEAN (a.k.a. Swizz Beatz)







Charli XCX)


Schoolboy Q)

BEN HAGGERTY, (a.k.a. Macklemore)


(a.k.a. YG)

DEQUANTES LAMAR (a.k.a. Rich Homie


Getting ready for tonight, CEO dancers Ezinne Asinugo & Nqo Danseur share hot bikini photo

Getting ready for tonights performance

at the BETAWARDS, Nqobhile Danseur

and Ezinne Asinugo who are part of the

trio dance group, CEO Dancers, shared

pics of their hot bikini bodies on their

instagram pages, see pictures below…

New Movie: Annie Idibia turns armed robber

This is serious, Annie Idibia almost

damaged a guys balls during a robbery

scene which she happens to be the hit

lady, video to be uploaded soon

SEE PHOTO!! Gbemi O Pictured with Americans superstars in LA

OAP Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi is also in LA with Tiwa Savage, Davido for the BET Awards and here are photos of her with Hollywood stars Usher, Tamar Braxton, Treysongz, Ashanti and B.O.B. See more pics below..