Sunday 29 June 2014

See How a 19-yr-Old Girl who Stabbed her Mother to Death, 151 Times, Escapes Jail

A Colorado teenager, Isabella Yun-Mi

Guzman, who actually stabbed her

mother to death, 151 times, will not be

going to jail after the judge declared

her to be insane.

Isabella Yun-Mi Guzman, 19, killed her

mother in their Aurora home in August

2013. Last December she pleaded not

guilty by reason of insanity and was

sent to a state mental hospital for an

evaluation. And yesterday, during her

court hearing, a judge reviewed the

results of that mental evaluation and

ruled that Guzman is not guilty by

reason of insanity.

According to court records, on the

fateful day 47-year-old Yun Mi Hoy lost

her life, her daughter, Guzman stabbed


35 times in the face,

51 times in the neck

then 65 times on the other parts of

her body before finishing her off by

beating her with a baseball bat.

Isabella had grown 'more threatening

and disrespectful' towards her mother

moments leading up to her death. The

day before her mother was killed,

Isabella spat on her mother and sent

her an email threatening: 'You will pay.'

Even on the day of the attack, Aurora

police officers came to their house on a

report of a family dispute. Officers said

they found no hostility or rage at the

house when they arrived.

Mrs Hoy had grown so scared of her

daughter, that she had also called on

her ex-husband, Isabella's father Robert

Guzman, to speak to the teenager. And

just three hours before Mrs Hoy was

murdered, Robert Guzman paid a visit to

the house his daughter lived in with his

ex-wife and her new husband, Ryan Hoy.

As they sat in the backyard, he

explained the importance of respecting

your elders to his daughter and truly

believed he had gotten through to her

only to receive a call later on that

Guzman had killed her mother..

Mrs Hoy's husband, Ryan Hoy,

recounted what happened that night.

According to him, his wife had just

returned from work around 9:30pm when

she went upstairs to take a shower. Mr.

Hoy said he was eating when he heard a

thumping sound upstairs and his wife

calling his name.

He ran to the upstairs bathroom, but

Isabella quickly shut and locked the door

and he noticed blood streaming under

the door. Soon after, Isabella emerged

from the bathroom and walked out

holding the knife, staring straight

forward as she passed her stepfather

and went downstairs.

Mr Hoy tried to revive his wife but knew

she was already dead by the look in her

eyes. And when police arrived, they

officially pronounced Mrs Hoy dead.

After the killing, police say Guzman fled

the home. She went to a woman's

restroom at a nearby H Mart, washed

her hair in the sink and changed her

clothes. They say she told employees

that she had been raped in Denver and

asked them not to call police, because

they would send her back home and she

was in fear of her father.

And finally, when police tracked Guzman

down the next day, she told them they

had the wrong person. She said she was

Samantha Gonzales from Cincinnati,

Ohio. Police held up her ID card, but the

teen said, 'It looks like me, but it's not.'

Eventually police pulled out guns,

ordered the teen to the ground, and

took her into custody.

She has now been sent to the Colorado

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