Sunday 1 June 2014

Cameroon kills 40 Boko Haram militants

Cameroon’s military killed at least 40 Boko Haram militants in

the country’s northwest weekend, a government radio

reported Sunday, a day after Nigeria labelled the Central

African nation the weakest link in its fight against the

extremist sect.

The clashes leading to the killing occurred in the town of

Kouserri, which borders Nigeria and Chad.

The Nigerian government regards Cameroon as not

cooperative as Niger and Chad in the fight against Boko


After a security summit in Paris two weeks ago, Cameroon

said it deployed 1,000 troops to its border to help contain the

increasingly deadly group.

But Sarkin-Yaki Bello, the Coordinator-General of Nigeria’s

Counter Terrorism Centre, said was quoted by Reuters news

agency, Saturday, as criticising Cameroon’s effort in rooting

Boko Haram.

“Niger has been proactive and aggressive, Chad has shown zero

tolerance for Boko Haram,” Mr. Sarkin-Bello said.

“Cameroon, we’ve engaged them to be more pro-active. They

haven’t really. Not yet.”

One Cameroonian official denied the allegation, while a second

blamed funding for the country’s slow response.

Under a pact reached at the Paris summit, Cameroon, Chad,

Niger and Benin- all Nigeria’s neighbours, are to step up their

action against Boko Haram by maintaining an intelligence

sharing platform, improving border patrols, and coordinating

their actions.

Currently, Niger allows Nigerian soldiers cross into its

borders to pursue Boko Haram militants. A similar

understanding is being worked out with Chad, but there is

none with Cameroon.

Boko Haram has remained under an international spotlight

after abducting more than 200 schoolgirls from Chibok in

Borno State.

The girls remain in captivity as the Nigerian government,

assisted by major world powers, has failed to rescue them.

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