Sunday 1 June 2014

Tips: 5 Things Women Wish Men Knew About kissing

Think of a kiss as a waltz— the man

takes lead, but he must be attuned to

his partner’s wishes. Though

assertiveness is a plus point, every

woman is different.

I still remember my first kiss. Sloppy,

intrusive, thrusting into thin air like a

blunted sword, until a resounding wallop

on his shoulder let me regain

possession of my violated oral cavity. I

was sure I would never permit it to

happen again because of this.

1. Your tongue is not an explorer of

Amazon forests Avoid thrusting forays

into her mouth with your tongue. Not

only does that make you seem

demanding, women also think of the

tongue as an overt phallic symbol, so

flourish it too freely while kissing and

she will get the right wrong idea about

your intentions. By the way, tongue

kissing is an absolute no-no if you are

kissing her for the first time. An easy

rule of thumb is only to use your tongue

when you feel her tongue in your mouth.

2. Her mouth is not a barbecued leg of

chicken Clamping your mouth greedily

over hers will make you seem like a

glutton. Instead, you might distinguish

yourself from the hoi polloi if you think

of her mouth as an ice-cream cone.

Gentle does it. Ease yourself, go with

the flow, and do what seems right in the

moment. Gentle, with your eyes closed,

and she will not be able to think


3. Her lips are not made of pliable

rubber Yes, kisses are sometimes wet

and slobbery. However, that only

happens when you have been kissing for

more than five minutes. Before that,

wet kisses only feel sloppy. Besides,

lappy kisses only make you seem needy

and definitely does not give a good


4. Physical proximity and access to her

mouth are not valid reasons to grope

her Your body language while kissing

should show her that you respect her

body. Holding her around the waist is

okay, but LOOSELY is the key word.

Brownie points if she pulls you closer or

snuggles into you. Other than this, you

have no access to any place below her


5. Ease in for the kiss instead of

invading her private space Think of a

kiss as a waltz—the man takes lead, but

he must be attuned to his partner’s

wishes. Though assertiveness is a plus

point, every woman is different. Why

rush into a kiss when you can tease her

out of her come- hither coyness? Kiss

the corners of her mouth instead. Bite

her earlobe. Get close, but not close

enough…there is a ten to one chance

that she will make the first move. Even

if she does not, she has plenty of time

to guess your intentions and pull away if

the timing is not right! I am perfectly

aware that the type of kissing I am

suggesting here is of the romantic kind,

not of the overbearing, grope-y kind.

However, I figured that you would

already know how to engage in that kind

of kissing. This is how you do it if you

want to make a lasting impression.

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